Anurakti is an amaglation of Three Sanskrit words Anu (meaning Attachment to the Core), Rakt (meaning Passion) & Bhakti (meaning Devotion), an essential ingredient to anything Creative a necessary requirement for Innovation.
With the Core Philosophy of "Living in the Solution, rather than the Problem" &
Passionate Devotion to the Path of Creativity
derives our Punchline
The Path to Creative Solutions!
To be The Leader in helping human beings realize their True Potential.
With the core philosophy of "Living in the Solution, rather than the Problem", derives the name of our 1st company established in 2006 - Anurakti Solutions!
With the aim to help humanity overcome the challenges in unraveling the mysteries of the God, its Creations, the Universe and thus be able to move, fly, travel, inhabit etc. the Universes, etc.. derives the name of our 2nd company established in 2010 - Anurakti Universes!
We aspire to innovatively solve people’s business problems by offering timely creative value based quality solutions!